Saturday, November 29, 2008

Role of Women (Book Source):

Men and women had the same oppertunity to go to school. This only happened if their parents were able to afford the schooling. Women however had to stop school at the age of eleven. If they decided to they were able to continue school, they could stay at home with a private tutor. If they were not able to continue their schooling they usually began to prepare for marriage. Women usually began to marry off at the age of fourteen.

Women in ancient Rome didnt have the same rights as men did, even though they were considered citizens. Men saw them selves in a higher position because they recieved more schooling. But in time women began to gain more rights. They were able to have their own property, get a divorce is she chose to, and become more men's partners than their servents. Unlike other ancient civilizations Romen women were able to go to parties, and other functions with their husbands.

Women even became roles that were only played by men. They became doctors, writers, business owners, and even gladiators. Even though women were able to gain some power, they were still not able to vote.

Sources: The Ancient Romans By: Kathryn Hinds and Life In Ancient Rome By: Don Nardo